Well after the dieting to get into range of making the 220 class this last meet I've decided to just keep rolling with it. Its been a year since I've done a photo shoot for marketing of my products and services and the images are getting a little to recycled.
Since I was already down quite a bit the dieting has essentially been consisting of carb depletion workouts. So I have not been tracking exactly what I've been doing as its just high rep volume work in place of doing low intensity cardio which i hate.
In these last two weeks I'm down around 1800kcal a day to pull the last bit of fat off. My estrogen levels have been very high following this last meet so removing the lower abdominal fat has been a struggle and probably won't get it all off. At the moment I'm on a full keto diet which I do not prefer for performance reasons. But its prep work for getting the muscles to refill when I carb load for the shoot and keep the water off.
Training 6 days a week basically following a 3 day repeating pattern.
Day 1 - Legs and related
Day 2 - Back
Day 3 - Pressing
Day 4 - Legs and related
Day 5 - Back
Day 6 - Pressing
arms are mixed in daily or every other day.
Here are some shots of what I'm looking like right now. I'm very flat and depleted so I look far from great. but confident that will turn around when I pull the water off and fill the muscles back out.