Last week I got a comment on the Q&A asking for the second training block I used to get two of my lifters back to training after a disc injury.
Let’s start off with this: Yeah, I know this is a Part 4, and sequels usually suck, but this is a request for a reader. I had a planned topic this week, but as I sat down to write, I remembered that this was asked for.
So, in the spirit of Live, Learn and Pass On, here is the second training block in the rehab process I outlined in Disc Injury? It's Not the End! See Why.
As you may know, one of the lifters in that column just returned to the platform a few weeks ago (pretty much a year after the injury) and set a World Record in the deadlift-405 at 148 Masters.
The four week block laid out below is the second training cycle we used for the two ladies once the doctor cleared them to return to the gym.
As you can see, most of the work is upper body with some lower included.
The lower body work is light light and minimal as I needed to see how it was tolerated at this point.
There is also torso work that you may not normally see in a powerlifters program.
It focuses on bracing in various positions. At this stage, there is very little flexion/extension as this most likely have been ill tolerated.
Give it a look and if you are coming back from a similar injury, these blocks may be good for you.
One of the best pieces of advice I can give is that if you are injured, take your time in the rehab process. Rushing things at this point is not a good idea.
Patience and exercise selection that allows you to train pain free is the key.
If you do things right at this stage there is a good chance that you'll be able to return to training and maybe even competing sooner than you think.
Remember, I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. It is what I did with two of my athletes and was appropriate for them.
Maybe it will work for you.
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Vincere vel mori
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