Who would have thought preparing for a meet would leave my back feeling better than it has in two decades. With my peaking numbers two weeks behind me while coasting into the meet I decided to give my body a break from all the extra work I do.

Instead of the tedious amounts of rehab I usually do for me back, I allowed my body to rest. Holy sh!t, guess what? My back started to feel awesome.

This is a life lesson I wish I learned a while ago. With constantly being pounded with information on mobility, soft tissue work, stretching, rehab, prehab, etc we have been conditioned to do anything and everything to feel better. However, sometimes the body just needs some good old-fashioned rest.

The messed up thing is, even as I was feeling better, my mind was constantly trying to persuade me to do something more. It was a real battle that I even lost once.

I figured a little soft tissue work couldn't hurt right. Sure enough, the next morning my back didn't feel as good as it did the day before. That message finally hit home.

Listen, doing nothing but resting to heal up a tweak may not always work, but sometimes it does. It's pretty easy to judge. If you feel a little better the next day, then it's working. Give it a shot.