Today we were Floor Pressing off the pins and adding a chain (about 20 lbs per chain) every set until the bar didn't lock out.
Starting with the Dynamic Weight we used for ten sets of three, we would hit a single then add a chain per side, per set. Even if four or five chains didn't move smoothly I wanted everyone to add another chain REGARDLESS.
Two reasons:
1. Because the instruction was to keep adding chains until it didn't move
2. Even though the last set was a bust, it was still a wonderful isometric AND the mental game of NOT QUITTING got exercised very nicely.
This is a huge lesson in my program..."Never Give Up" You don't give up on a heavy lift. You won't give up on a tough situation that will arise. You won't give up on relationships. You won't give up on YOURSELF!
You may not see it immediately while grinding a weight, but that weight is not meaningless to me. I see what it does to the team's psych!
Never give up on the grind... It builds more than strength. It builds Character too!
Today's Training:
Bike Commute: 27 mins
Prowler: 7x120 yards
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20 x 35-25-18
OHP: 5x10
Shrugs: 3x10x405
Floor Pin Press w/ Chains: Work up to dynamic weight, then start adding chains per side per set for a max single
DB or Cable Fly: 100 reps in as few sets as possible
Bike Commute: 28 mins.