You know those mememe things that say "I gave out my last fuck" or "I don't care" blah blah blah???
I never comment on them unless I can add humor or a positive twist and then I click "don't notify me anymore".
The reason? I think about my own personal opinions. They are MY personal opinions. I don't count on changing anyone else over to my way of thinking unless over time I have worn them out or they are looking to me for direction. But I know that I'm not easily convinced to change what I know to be correct.
I don't waste my time, nor should you waste YOUR time.
However, don't be a wishy washy person either.
Have an opinion! Stand for something!
Back bone is greater than wish bone!!!
Today's training:
Tier I
Run: 5 K it was hot and it was 0330
Bench (Pin Press what would be off a two board)
Cable Fly: 3x20x50
DB Lateral Raise: 3x30x25
Shrug: 5x10x405
Tricep Rope Extension: 3x20x100
DB Supine Tricep Extension: 3x20x25
REALLY HOT Bike Commute: 18 mins @103 degrees
Love me the hot weather!!!