This past weekend was another CAHA event. We played four games in our bracket against Southern California teams that if you don't know, we don't like them and they despise us.
Good hard nosed hockey is played by both but the kick in the pants is how much parental involvement takes place outside the glass.
Seems like a lot of parents live vicariously through their kid. While the skaters have fun "chirping" each other and playing tough checking and fast skilled hockey, mother and father probably had ZERO playing time while growing up. So little that they act like assholes that the police were called on parents from another two clubs this weekend to break up their altercation.
A friend of mine was kicked out because he was chatting with another guy that the conversation was OVER HEARD by a nosey Mrs. Kravitz who became "offended". Hey, if you are offended by someone's conversation you have no part of...move away. Well she had to get HER husband involved and then ...well you see how things escalate.
Well, I suppose parents need to be engaged in every aspect of their son's life. Going to be tough to let go later on, that's for sure.
Our team is a perfect .500 club. We win as many as we lose and we tie a shit ton.
While my preference is to win, I would rather see my group of athletes perform harder and longer as the season progresses. Which brings me to rewarding genuine effort rather than stats.
I tell my kids that it doesn't matter what the score is, nor the time left on the clock, I want them to go balls out if they are up by 10 or down by 10 with whatever time is left. Let the skill coaches decide what the score is.
My mantra is 100%, 100% of the time! Not a bad way to approach EVERYTHING.
Give everything you do, you're absolute ALL! When it's over, you know deep down you couldn't have done anything more.
Make yourself SIGNIFICANT.
Today's Training:
Bike Commute: 20 mins.
Giant Camber Yoke Bar Good Mornings: 6 RM
Reverse Hypers: 4x12
Shrugs: 4x12
Bike Commute: 20 mins.
Sprints: 10x50 yards