Today while rep squatting, I was forced to notice the pain in the bottom of my foot from the plantar fasciitis. While escalating the weight to a "Perceived Rate of Exertion" of 80ish% I kept wondering "Am I giving this a higher value because of my setback or is it really this hard?"

We were using the SSB Yoke bar which has the company logo and name, EliteFTS, and right there under the title it reads, "Focus, Trust, Strength"

Well...FUUUUUCK! Stop being a wuss and focus on the exercise and not all the Mary Poppins bitch'n and complain'n.

Slap another plate on, and start yelling like Clint Darden, "MY SET, MY SET" with the same ferocity he does.

FOCUS on the task and technique

TRUST the process

STRENGTH will come

Today's Training:

GHR: 5x10

Squat: once you reach the training weight (don't count the escalating sets) 5x10

"Lara" Abs: 4x10