In the morning I read about the length of time it takes me to go to the bathroom, ALL the inspiration I need for the day, via memes by all of my "friends" using Social Media.
By the time I hit the streets, I'm am so motivated to take on the world I can't help but to explode and ooze PMA. (Positive Mental Attitude).
Here is a quick overview found everyday, every week, all year with the proper use of the word "fuck" added for comedic value:
Believe in your fucking self.
Stay up all fucking night.
Work outside of your fucking habits.
Know when to speak the fuck up.
Fucking Collaborate.
Don't Fucking Procrastinate.
Get over your fucking self.
Keep fucking Learning.
Form follows fucking function.
Find fucking Inspiration everywhere.
Fucking Network
Educate your fucking client
Trust your fucking gut.
Ask for fucking help.
Make it fucking sustainable.
Question every fucking thing.
Have a fucking concept.
Learn to take fucking criticism.
Make me fucking care.
Use fucking spellcheck.
Do your fucking research.
Sketch more fucking ideas
The problem contains the fucking solution.
Think about all the fucking possibilities.
Today's Training:
Floor Press: 2 rep heavier than last week
Rep Bench: 5x10 @ same weight as last week
DB Row: 5x10
DB Lateral Raise: 5x10
Concept II Row: 24 minutes
Bicep/Tricep/Abs: 2 sets for the pump
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
Sprint: 15x50 yards