Every step forward matters

No one goes from feeling terrible to feeling great overnight. It requires repeated action to feel better. If you feel completely terrible one day but only partially terrible the next day, you are making progress, even if you still feel bad. You can’t let yourself ruminate on the past. Instead, you need to stay focused on the present to give yourself a better future.


Today's Training

AirDyne: 30 mins.

Floor Press:

Work up to 50% of your max doing three reps

Once there, cut the reps to two and add a chain and continue to a two rep max

Grind'n time!!!


Fat Grip Skull Crusher:

3 warm up sets

4 working sets of eight reps.  The 8th rep should feel like you're going to eat the weight

Single Arm DB OHP:

Three warm ups sets and four work sets of 15 reps

Face Pulls: 4x15x100

Shrugs: 4x10x365

Bike Commute: 22 mins (Foggy)

AirDyne: 30 mins.

Meridian Exercises


You need these knee sleeves.  I use them on sore elbows too.