Everyone has one MORE injury. Not everyone has one more RECOVERY.
When I design the training plan, it's based on a yearly schedule. I have specific dates that I would like different things to happen.
In the plan I have built in benchmarks and SAFETY concerns.
When a person deviates from the SAFETY guidelines, I tend to go APESHIT by only a LOT!!!
I think it's an oxymoron to get injured in a STRENGTH and CONDITIONING program when the goal of that program is the acquisition of strength and not the DEMONSTRATION of it.
Needless to say, when I BARK, I BARK at the entire tribe! EVERYONE is momentarily on my feces roster. (My shit list)
Today we had such an episode. I don't dwell long in it. I make the point that is necessary. Watch everyone survive in that awkward silence and then we get back to the business of "getting after it".
I'm better!!! They're better. WE'RE better
Today's Training:
AirDyne bike to warm up: 10 minutes
Box Jump:
Pick a height that you don't need to hip flex in order to obtain the height. The emphasis is on the "Triple Extension" leaving the ground.
We used:
12", 16", 20" or 24"
KB Swing: 5x20 reps:
Dead Lift: 10x1@55%
Suspended Knee Ups: 5x10