Sit comfortably. 

. Breathe slowly and deeply into your diaphragm, expanding your abdomen - fill your body with fresh oxygen.
. Pause.
. Exhale slowly and fully out, emptying your lungs - expelling all C02 from your body.
. Repeat.


Today's Training:

Pull up: 1

Push Up: 3

Chin up: 1

Dip: 3


Bench:  Work up to a hard five reps

Cut the weight by 50% and do 3x10

Inverted Blast Strap Row: 3x10

super set w/

Dips: 3x10


Supine DB Tricep Ext: 3x10

super set w/

BB Curl: 3x10

AirDyne Bike: 15 minutes

Run: 5K  Slow and lumbering like an asthmatic fat man!  (not really, but just liked that example)