10298233_878688392156769_1331240089701543301_o_14059314150_oHow do you get FIT?

Frequency:  The amount of exercise bouts per week

Intensity:  The level of hard you perform each exercise or overall workout.

Time: The duration of each bout


" F.I.T. " 

Frequency: If you are working out daily then the variables left to work with are how intense or how long.  Many bouts of exercise per week at high intensity means each bout should be short in duration.

If the intensity is low, then the length of workouts get be increased.

If the workouts are infrequent then they can be intense AND longer.

This has been my general guide.  Not that an occasional ass whoop'n for what may seem like an eternity doesn't appeal to me now and again, which I like to call my own version of "Hell Week" doesn't show itself they remain infrequent.

Hope this clears up a few questions.

Today's Training:

Bike Commute (in): 24 minutes.  It's dark 

Prowler: 10x40 yards some wt.

C/S Row: Tier I  3x10x185   Tier II: 3x10x45

DB Row: 3x10x shit heavy

Single Arm Blast Strap Row NO TWIST: 3x10

AirDyne: 10x15/45

Ab Wheel: 3x10

Bike Commute: 19 minutes  The wind was at my back
