I saw a quote from Jim Wendler recently that basically said - "Find a way."

I've been coaching lifters remotely for about 6 years now, and clients fall into two buckets.


Bucket one: 

I couldn't use that machine because someone was on it so I skipped it.

I couldn't bench because my elbows hurt.

I didn't have time to fit my last two movements in.

The SSB was being used so I didn't know what to do.

I didn't get enough sleep last  night.


Bucket two:

I tried benching but my  elbows were still sore today so I switched to some dumbbell bench and  was able to get it done. 

Someone was using the SSB so I hopped in with them. They were using chains so I dropped some bar weight and was able to get it done.

I was late getting to the gym so I had to go back in the morning to finish my assistance work. I was able to get it done. 


Notice a difference?

Find a way. Just get something done. Besides maxing out or just doing something totally off base, there isn't a whole lot you can do in a single training session that can't be adjusted for. But when you just skip things, or throw your hands up and say "I can't" or "I couldn't" then I have a hard time feeling sorry for your lack of progress.

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