My son has a "whiteboard" hanging in his room to which I like to write stuff to motivate him. I also write down his daily workouts and then sign it with a particular signature I've used with him over the years.

Yesterday, I decided to write "Five Ways To Be a Bad Ass Humam" and then explained it to my early morning crew.

They liked it so much that they recommended I share it with everyone that reads my "Coach's Log".

So here ya go:

  1. Workout. Lift heavy things and then condition your heart, lungs, and fat storage. Eat well. Stop grabbing the bag of whatever and reach for fruit and or vegetables, OR meat. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. (Oh you can't sleep that long? Work on it)

You will look, think and perform, better than 80% of the general population!

2. Mean what you say: Do what you say you are going to do and do it. Accomplish your goals. GET SHIT DONE!!!

3. Don't give a FUCK: People will fear you when you don't care or react to their bullshit. They will realize they have no control over your emotions.

4. Create Solutions: Too many complain and do nothing to fix their problems. (Breaking Rule #67 in my handbook.) Become a problem solver. Create solutions and monetize them.

5. Control your reactions: You can't control certain things, but you can control how you react to them.

Master these five traits and you will be an unstoppable badass.

Today's Workout:

Shoulder Reliever*


Concept II Row: 33 minutes

Daily 8:

  1. Blast Strap Row: 57
  2. Pushups: 57
  3. 45-degree Back Extension: 3x10
  4. GHR: 3x6
  5. Chin-ups:3x5
  6. Dips:3x10
  7. Fat Grip Dead Hang: 40 seconds
  8. Front Plank: 60 seconds

Dynamic Bench: 10x5

Cable Fly 5x15

Hammer Strength Incline Press: 5x15

45-degree back extension side abdominal flex: 3x12
