Last week for Floor Pressing.

Work up to a 3 rep max by adding chains to each side of your 50% weight like last week.

Once you can't do three reps, go for a single, add another chain cluster and try ONE MORE time


Tricep Extensions of any sort, but make sure that each of the 6 sets of 8 is horrible.

Seated DB Overhead Press:  Work up slowly in weight to a 12 rep max.  If you reach the 100 lbs dumb bells STOP!

Face Pulls: 4x15x med band

4 way neck: 1x25x4.5

Shrugs: 4x10x455


I strained my pesky pec today.  Not sure of the severity but I couldn't go beyond a CHAIN on the floor press.  A stink'n chain!!!  I knew it was coming last week.  So I IMMEDIATELY went to "Hab'n"

Here's what I did.

Bench Press: 13x13x45

Incline Bench Press: 13x13x45

Cable Horizontal Flex: 13x13x15

DB Overhead Press: 13x13x15

DB Lateral Raise: 13x13x15

4 way neck: 1x25x4.5

Shrugs: 4x10x455


I'll see how bad it gets.  Doesn't seem terrible.  Short term inconvenience.