If you focus on the reasons to do something, a task, a challenge, making something...anything, then it will cancel any excuse you have for not doing it and getting it done!
Today's Training:
Run: 3.1
Tier I
GHR: 4x15
Box Squat w. SSB Yoke bar
Work up to a PRE of 7 doing six reps. Take small jumps
Once the PRE of 7 is found, count it as the first set, Add a small amount for the next set and do 6 reps. Add a little more and another 6. Finally do the fourth set of 6 with slightly more than the last set.
Hack Squat:
Reverse Hyper: 2x24
Tier II
Leg Curl: 4x15
Box Squat: 5x15
Chain Lunge:
x 3 sets
Reverse Hyper: 2x24
Bike Commute: 20 minutes