I was called out last week for being too black and white. A my way or the highway kind of guy.
To those that workout in my gym with me, well...they know it to be true. They have also gotten comfortable with it. I have never been the type of person to mix words. You know exactly where you stand on any subject with me.
I am hard. Yes!!! No fucking doubt about it
I am fair. Yes! Although some would think not
Because I am demanding, you won't like it...UNTIL you realize I see you down the road in a spot you need to be and not where you have yourself stuck!
Feeling get hurt....OFTEN! If you are truly...ONE OF MINE, I hurt those feelings out of the love that I have for you.
If your ass gets it twisted...you have the option. You can get over yourself, or you can leave. I don't like to see anyone leave (especially the one's that keep me in business) but if it's awkward, it is best for those people to move on. I will even suggest other people that might make you feel better about your lazy self.
I don't just get people stronger, and faster. I don't just reshape bodies.
I develop PEOPLE! Contributing, Fearless, Strong, Fast, Sexy, and FUCKING SMARTER P E O P L E!
So yes! It's my way or the highway. I do have a large ego.
But I hide behind NOTHING!
After the conditioning add a set to what we did last Monday. 5 Super Sets instead of the 4.
Condition: Sprints 10x50 yards @75% after a decent 10 minute 50% warm up
Narrow hand placement push ups: 5 sets of 12
super set with
Some curling or Elbow flexing: 5x8
Do a type of neutral grip elbow flex as in "hammer curl": 5x8
super set with
C/S Tricep Kick Back: 5x12
Finish with
The bottom 1/2 of a standing type elbow flex. Don't go all the way up. Keep tension on the bicep: 5x8 with a LOT of control
Super set w/
A single arm cross body supine tricep extension: Hold onto your bicep and don't let your elbow waiver at all. 5x12