
Elitefts has begun our annual e-book sale for Make-A-Wish, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. 
What have done this  year is reloaded several Legacy Old School e-books we've either lost or misplaced years ago.  Some are classics and should be a part of everyone's digital library.  Others are best sellers from all the past years.


We have them all loaded now on this page HERE.


The way this works is simple. We donate every dollar you spend on any and all of these books. Doesn't get any easier than that!


Elitefts has been working with Make-A-Wish, Kentucky, and Indiana since for close to a decade now and with your help have been able to grant more than 50 wishes!

You've Helped



This year we are looking to add to this, BUT,  before kicking this into high gear I would like to show my appreciation for all the support you have given by  offering The Programs that Work Book Free to All. Simply click the link below.


Thank You

Click the FREE link below to open the PDF file in your browser.

Programs That Work 3

Did you click it?

* There is no login required, so it will not be saved to your elitefts store download account. This is free with no strings attached.


Thanks again and I look forward to your support again this year,

Dave Tate


This is what you will find in the FREE book link above.

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The books available to purchase for this cause are located here.
