For a week now, I've been running a very high fever with lower back pain. Being the stubborn son of a bitch that I am, I refused to go to a doctor. (I don't even have a primary care physician)
April has high level meetings at her corporate tech job and has a 100% full agenda and I'm the kind of person that doesn't like to be fawned over when something is wrong.
105 degrees, steady at 102, spike back to 105, normal, 102 became the week.
A few of my participants from the gym have offered to haul my sorry ass to the hospital, but STILL will not go. Food offerings were even denied with "I don't need anything...really"
My wife got kicked out of her meeting yesterday as she was in constant communication with me asking how I was?
Finally, (more like to quiet her up) I agreed to go to urgent care.
After a two hour screening the doctor there urged me to go to the Emergency room so we can "know for sure" what it is I have.
Off we go!
I dislike hospitals more than I do doctors, and the Emergency room has got to be the epicenter of filth and germs.
Last night must have been a special on entitled little kids who's MOTHERS were seeking medical attention while the kids SCREAMED and carried on to the point I understood why that some species eat their young.
Six hours later, after much more poking and prodding, here's what we know I DON'T have:
Scarlette Fever
Strep Throat
Nothing showed on the chest X ray
I was a bit dehydrated. (no more like a lot...the sample looked like a fine amber ale)
I was urged to stay home until the results of all the blood work come back and they can safely say I'm non contagious, and that I need to work in MORE REST into my Activities of Daily Living. WHAT? You mean a person can't go constantly on four hours of sleep? Hmmmmm.
Anyway, I didn't die!
Today's REMOTE workout:
Air Dyne: 15 minutes HARD
Group I:
Chin ups: 50 sets of 2 reps
Dips: 50 sets of 4 reps
Group II:
Chin ups: 50 sets of 2 NEGATIVE reps
Dips: 50 sets of 4 reps
Group III
Lat Pulldown: 10x10
Dips: 50 sets of 3 reps