My training partner, Al, said it best today when he described to the others what the day entailed. He called it, "Fuck 'em up Friday" because of the fast pace he and I kept throughout the session.
Today started like any normal day with a 30-minute AirDyne ride upon awakening. Then my normal getting to work form of transportation, my bike ride took an additional 30 minutes.
After getting the gym opened, it was 10x120 yard Prowler pushes followed by 10x60 yard sprints at 75% pace.
Here's where the REAL fun began.
Flat dumbell presses in sets of 10 reps in incremental increases from 50-60-70-80 in a fast succession. In other words, as soon as I put the weight down, Al picked it up and did his set while I was fast retrieving the next heavier weight for the next set!
Incline DB Fly was performed doing ten reps for four sets without putting the weight down. What was done instead of resetting, we would hold the weight in the support phase and count to 30 before immediately starting the next set. This was BRUTAL!!!
Supine DB Tricep Extension was next and done in the same fashion. There is NO putting it down!
Zig Zag Bar Cable Tricep Push-down got a reprieve. As soon as I was done, Al would go. We volleyed like this until all four sets were completed and our triceps were GASSED!
Now for the hard part.
After pre exhausting the Pecs and Triceps we ordered up Dynamic Bench in the same fast tempo pace. I go, he go and so on.
The goal was to SMOKE the systems and that WE DID! 10 sets of five reps instead of our normal three reps put the icing on the cake.
The entire resistance part of the session might have taken all of 25 minutes, but I think we did it quicker than that!
All I know is, my bike ride home was long and arduous. hahaha.
Have a kick-ass weekend, Kids