I can't begin to count the number of times I've heard this comment:
"In the grand scheme of things, nobody cares what you squat."
This has almost become a mantra that we've all heard, read, or have been told through every media source available.
Who's nobody?
Is this nobody the person who just started training and is looking forward to their first meet?
Are these nobodies those who haven't broke a squat PR in a couple years and are on the verge of breaking it now?
Is it the lifter who got injured so badly that they were told they would never squat again?
Is this nobody the person who's spent two months in a hospital bed and finally can squat to stand on their own?
Or are these nobodies the significant others, friends, parents, brothers, sisters, and training partners of all those above?
Pride, purpose and persistence are self fulfilling values that may not matter to anyone but those who follow the path, but to them they DO matter, and they do care.
I think the real story here is being transposed. People who - do - don't care what others think, because they are too busy working toward their own objective.
Isn't the real sign of not caring indifference?
I think we can all agree that pointing out that nobody cares is in fact demonstrating that they do?
Regardless of whether you are striving for a PR squat, fighting illness, making a comeback, developing new skills, building a business, or overcoming adversity.
There's always someone who cares.
You can always find that person in the mirror. The question is does that person care enough to make it happen when others aren't looking and "don't care"?
Fuck nobody - Become somebody