When your alone, have loud conversations with your “multiple personalities”. Have an English man, a Southern person, someone from New York, a Grandma, and a 5 year old girl all at the same time. You have to use accents. They should sound like this: “Great idea good fellow, we shall have a jolly good time.(English)” “Look, oall I wanna do, is wok ta Stawbucks and git a cawfee(New York)” Etcetera.
Today's training:
Bench: 5x10@185 (M) 75-85 (W)
Chin Ups: 10x3 (M) 10x1 (W)
Incline Chest Press: 5x10@165 (M) 55-65 (W)
OHP: 10x5@105 (M) 45-55 (W)
DB LR: 5x10