Box Squatting isn't just an exercise to sit down and then stand back up with a load of weight on your back.

There are techniques involved from the How to do the exercise to the WAY we do the exercise.

The "how-to" is the normal coaching cues with the "sit back, brace up, big air, squeeze the shoulders into the back pocket...Hold your air" to the style of box squatting I want to be done.

Today I wanted everyone to keep tight but let the hip flexors relax for a brief moment.  No "bouncing" off the box, or slamming down.

What I was looking for was a decent descent...pause...explode back up for each of the three reps per set.

There are other variations for various other objectives.  This was in the name of strength and hypertrophy.

God Loves Heavy Squatters!


Today's Training:

AirDyne: 30 mins

Bike Commute: 26 mins

Squat:  Reps of three to a PRE of 7

Once the weight is established, do: 6x3@ that weight


GHR: 5x10 with a mini band attached around the neck and the three gaffing hook on the equipment


Split Squat: 5x5x65


Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12

Bike Commute: 27 mins