We did Seated Good Mornings today. From a coaching point, I teach ONE thing per session for each person to work on. That way they have an 87% chance of remembering it.

If I teach TWO things, the percentage of what they remember drops down to 33%! Imagine that?

If I teach THREE things, then Good Luck. Who knows what will be remembered???

For the most, today's lesson was to keep the spine EXTENDED while doing the exercise, especially when in the upright position...SIT TALL and not like a question mark. "Lift the Ribs" was the battle cry for 95% today.

Today's Training:

Run: 5K fartlek

Seated Good Mornings: 6 rep max

GHR: 35 reps

Foward Stepping Lunge: 3x12

DB "Suit Case" Pick up: 3x5 each side

Front Plank: 3x35 sec

Curl: 3x12

Tricep Ext.: 3x12