Everyone knows of my Rule #67 which simply stated..."No complaining". When a person comes in and they get right to their personal issues, I will quickly ascertain, do they need empathy or a boot to the behind?
When you are going through things, it feels as if you might be the only one that has ever had that issue. But truthfully...EVERYONE has issues and nobody cares. Worse than that...No one cares about YOUR issues.
So what can be done?
Work fucking harder! We think we're tapping into our big tanks, when truthfully we might be running on about 20% effort. Don't get caught up thinking you're giving it all you have.
Nope! You're not. Dig down, work harder and miraculously many of the issues will take care of themselves.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Bike Commute: 30 mins.
100 reps of the following exercises in as few sets as possible:
Incline DB Chest Press
Banded Bench Press
Push Ups
Tricep Rope Push Downs
1/4 Dips
Bike Commute: 30 mins.