Thusday BW dips (for 33 seconds) focusing on ROM
Immediately did 10 swings with 200 pounds rested, 2 minutes repeated 10 times, heart rate was through the roof(will do this twice a week, actually swings are not crazy difficult) Dips are insane
I am planning on getting these to 1 minute and 250 pounds on swing
Neck Work Cluster Sets
Incline Cable fly-8,8,8,50 (last set was brutal) Supersetted with Fat Gripz Cable Row--(normally would not let grip be limiting factor put with high volume swings, sled pulls etc BACK getting a ton of volume)
Incline Dbell Lateral Raise-6,8,10,100
Rear Delt Cluster sets (10 reps, rest 15 seconds for 5 minutes)
8 Minutes Of Occlusion Training
Dumbbell Bench Press 5 sec negative
Today, Interval Sled
And Mechanical advantage drop set leg curl (see video below)