If you follow the chronology of my training, you know that I have a beauty of a Black Widow Spider that dwells in my gym space.
Everything was going along quite nicely, until I noticed TWO significant issues that needed my attention.
1. The Black Widow had laid plenty of Black Widow eggs through out the intricate webbing it had been busy building.
2. The gym space was quite a WEB itself and absolutely filthy!
Yes, it's hardcore space, but the depth of grime was gross.
Since the gym wasn't going to clean itself...I am one to take matters into my own hands.
Never one to ask for help, or IF asked, I will always answer "No" The best way to help is to JUST GET INTO it with me.
So I basically invested the entire day to not only directing people WHAT to do...but I had them do it, in between buckets, mops, shop-vacs, cleaner solution, extension chords, extension ladders and squeegees.
When I finally looked up to see what time it was, the morning slipped away into noon and beyond.
Seven hours later, I finally got to my own training.
I am done thinking for the day...so I just did:
Pull up Hell: 500 total reps
Dips: 500 total reps.
Bike sprint home, and now I need a hot water heater and some food.
Four decades ago...I was a teenage Nautilus trainer who had responsibilities closing the gym at night. With in those responsibilities was the need to CLEAN the gym AND locker rooms.
Fast forward...I'm STILL cleaning Gyms. (but I didn't do the showers today!!!)
Pull up totals=4554
Push Up totals=5991
Dip Totals-8183
Prowler Totals: 20.300 yards