I started today's post with what I reviewed as an almost HOSTILE lecture.
Shoot! Good thing you can always preview before "sending".
Writing on the internet has become a procedure that must follow similar safety rules as the rules of gun safety. Like..."Never put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot the object. " Never hover you finger over the "send" button either. Once you have sent it "down range" there is no retrieving it.
So I wiped the whole thing out. People were going to be made to CRY if I sent it. But, I digress.
Friday!!! For me and my lifting crew it's MAX EFFORT SQUAT.
Rarely do I ever take things to a ONE rep max. But today we did just that.
A few years ago, Dave Tate wrote a detailed plan and submitted it to the "Make A Wish" foundation
I have been giving everyone "snippets" from it. THIS stuff is GOLD!
I've been writing programs and implementing them for CENTURIES and nothing that I've come up with is as simple and straight to the point.
I HIGHLY recommend the next time something comes up that EliteFTS does that satisfies The Make a Wish Foundation, YOU BUY IT!
Well SHUCKS...Traci Tate has a Donation Page that you can go to and contribute something to the cause.
Cut and paste that bad boy and get to giving!!!
Close Stance Low Box (10-12 inch) yoke bar squats with close stance (shoulder width or closer)
* Work up to a weight that feels heavy for three reps. Than work up to a one rep max
* 3 warm up sets of 8 reps
1 set of 30 reps
Back Raises
4 sets 10 with band around traps.