Every now and again, I get a wild hair to absolutely PUNISH a body part. For a weeks time, I'll blow off the yearly plan to just BLITZ a movement or Muscle Group.
This week has been Legs. In the land of "Leg-o-Land" we have been on a daily barrage of some type of major movement or accessory to that main move.
All of my Quadzillas are sick-o's. They ACTUALLY love being so over worked that they are crippled.
I am NOT a fan of this type of training, personally. It actually does more harm than good. BUT...it is what the "customer" desires. Therefore the slogan for the week (not for the weak) has been "Legs, HELP SPREAD THE WORD". (Go back and re read that and let it sink in. THAT is funny)
Some of the best slogans and Chirps AKA "Smack Talk" has been volleyed this week as well.
Some favorites:
"Hey That Looks like a squat, only shallower" ~ Chris Carr
Here we are in Leg-o-land again.
This will give me a LEG up on the competition, won't it?
My hamstrings are so pumped they can only be considered PORK CHORDS
I can't see my feet do to this thighclipse.
Rush me to the hospital! I need some bandages for all these cuts.
I goin' out to lunge (lunch) can I pick you up a Squatwich?
and one of my favorites...
as high as I box jumped today, I'm heading over to WalMart and going to jump over the dwarfs. (Little People community near by)
Better get a dictionary...you're going to want to look up the all this DEFINITION.
This is a small sample, I'd like to know some of the good ones that come from YOUR gyms?