So my back and hip are still acting up. Yada, yada, I know none of you want to hear it anymore. Anyway, I have had to change my form a lot for benching. My legs are more in front because I can't handle a big arch. The bar path is high compared to how I'd bench to the belly. Last, my grip is pretty darn close compared to the barely legal wide grip I used to go with. Other than that, nothing has changed.
All was going swimmingly. My top set was 335 which I hit for an easy ten (I have capped my AMRAP at 10). As with my setup being different, so is dismounting the bench. This is especially difficult while trying not to jack up my hip and back any further. Well, I jammed my feet into the front crossbar of the bench and swung myself up, but not before shaving a couple of inches of scalp meat off on the bar knurling. Not only did this scrape up my gorgeous dome, I rung my bell pretty good on top of it. Long story short, this is really going to "f" up my summer tan.
-Airdyne 20 minutes
-Dynamic stretch
-Bench 260x3, 300x3, 335x10
-Close grip bench with shoulder saver 260 5x8
-Fat bar d-rows 90/115/140/140/140x10
-Fat bar pushdowns 90 5x10
-Fat bar cable curl 25/50/50x10