Dave Tate sent out a link to comedian Louis CK and how he and his little girl stopped with all the "devices all the time"
I am going to do an experiment.
Normally, I have a great outlook on "life". But as of recent, EVERYTHING is bugging me. I have pin pointed the cause to wasting too much time on the internet.
Yes, I know that the reason you are reading this is because of that same internet, but my goal is to "recapture" some of the lost time and turn it productive, instead of destructive.
The way the current media, and Social one included, has flooded my head with negative thinking,... for the next 21 days, I am going to limit my exposure to "Social Media" (I've stopped watching the main stream news about 4 years ago and that has proved to be GLORIOUS)
Don't get me wrong, if you need to get a hold of me (since I don't have a phone either) you can still do it by way of "messenger" on Facebook or Twitter. But I will only be posting this log, look at a few of my favorite logs HERE, but remand myself to READING again from hardcopy books and the quality articles that EliteFTS produces.
I will regain that time element that has been lost.
I will go back to having more fun and be more productive as I use to be without the foul taste and bad mood that I have found myself in from 10 minutes of continued bombardment of the negativity found on Social Network.
IF I post anything, be assured, it will be upbeat and have a reason.
So for now...Aloha!
5 rep max Suspended Good Morning
followed by 5 sets of 13 reps with the Mastodon Bar to a 10 inch box
Uh-oh...the hips are already feeling that!