I watched this video yesterday, around six times and laughed even more after each time I watched it. This is not cracking on Steve, but I would be lying if I didn't admit to "busting his balls a little". There are so many things in this that made me laugh I had to transcribe it but there is still a very important take away here.
Here is the transcription from the video.
I just come from my doctor's visit, ortho appointment to get my elbows checked out. I've been having issues with my elbows for like the last year, since I had like hip replacement surgery.
It's really irritating the shit out of me because I'm like, I don't know what the fuck I did to mess up my elbows when there's nothing wrong with it.
I didn't think they had a problem. But I'm starting to realize from all the years of squatting heavy and as much weight as I used to squat, my arms jacked up low bar, the way I used to do it to get the leverage I did to squat as much weight as I did, I sacrificed a lot. It's really taken a toll on my elbow joints. I didn't notice anything until I had a hip replacement surgery February of 2015.
Before that time, I was bench ... I thought was doing pretty good. I had a few elbow issues here and there, nothing big. When this thing come to a head, I was benching, I got my bench up to 430 again. Feeling decent for me. 50 years old, I felt good with that. That was refreshing. After my surgery, a year goes on, my bench just declines. My upper body working on trying to do anything in my elbows is just totally fucked up. Just totally going downhill. Totally got to the point where I can't do anything with like 225, for like as many reps as I can, without pain. I can go and try some weight, then I really can't with my left arm. My left arm is worse than my right.
I go to ortho today thinking ... Because usually these jackasses don't want to do shit because I'm seen by the VA doctor. Some of them are real good, just depend on who you go see, who you got. This particular ... I think it was actually, I didn't get to see the surgeon.
I talked to a nurse practitioner and he looked at my elbow and he said my elbow's fucked. He said it had a lot of bone spurts, a lot of arthritis in the front of it none of it in the back of it. A lot going on. Said that, looks pretty bad.
He checked my other arm out, both arms, check them both out, as far as just checking range of motion. He said I lost about 20% range of motion. I'm starting to lose my range of motion.
I can't even straighten my fucking arm out all the way. That's like, you know, fucking annoying. I've been doing it for a while, even when I dead lift, I notice my arms won't fucking straighten out. I'm like, "What the fuck is that? How do you not be able to straighten your fucking arm out? What kind of shit is that?"
I want to get this corrected as best as possible.
I can't even call this a fucking injury because I didn't get fucking hurt.
Then he tells me that my left arm, at some point in time, I fractured my fucking arm. I'm like, "When did I fracture my fucking arm? What do you mean 'a fracture'? I don't remember fracturing ..." He said, "You ever remember falling on your hand or something? Falling on your arm or something? It's up near your elbow, your forearm looks like a little fracture you had there." I'm like, "No. Guess if I did, it didn't bother me enough to where I'd complain or do anything. I don't remember breaking my arm." What the fuck?
I'm like, goddamn. All I'd like to do now is fucking dead lift, mostly. Squat sometime just to stay in shape.
Fuck the bench press, I don't have to fucking bench, but I'd like to.
Now my goddamn arms won't straighten out, won't hardly fucking, know what I'm saying?
I just keep pulling as heavy as I fucking can. Them mother fuckers straighten out then,
I guess. Goddamn. I don't really know. I'm kind of like frustrated at the point, right now.
I've probably never been this frustrated to where you feel like you're losing your fucking ... I'm losing my range of motion in my fucking arms? I can't straighten my arms out?
Anyway, just wanted to make a little video about that. Like I said, haven't been injured a lot, but I guess when you get fucking elbow, it doesn't matter,
because you going to have some old ass shit that happens whether you're injured or not. When you get old, shit just pile up on you.
Watch out.
- Steve Goggins