I was thinking this morning as I was cleaning up the mess I created in the gym, that the things that are important, sometimes happen very subtly.

For instance, I barely noticed that I actually walked through a door that I had hoped would open.  As I was cruising right on through the portal, I STOPPED!  I realized, CRAP I almost missed that.  Glad that I took a moment though.

Slow down!  Don't be in such a hurry.  How many things have I missed because I was BLASTING my way through and never realized  I was already there?


Swiss Bar Curl: 5x7


Cable Zig Zag Bar Curl: 3x10


Chain Curls: 3x AMRAP

Preacher Curls: 3x15

Close Grip Bench: 5x7 vs. Bands

Single Arm Overhead Extension: 3x10

Dips: 3xAMRAP

Rope Push Down: 3x15