I have been asked on more than ONE occasion..."Coach, what do you do for conditioning?"
For some reason, I write all the weights and reps and sets along with the exercises, but I forget to include the boring stuff that pops the heart.
I'll do better...PROMISE!
Remember everything is done BAREFOOT
1/2 mile 'Og (since I'm over 200 lbs there is no such thing as a jog. It's officially an Og)- nothing fancy here. Just get the kinks out from an afternoon of searching Porn.
5x200 yard Balls to the Wall sprints.
After running one, walk 100 yards to the opposite end of the football field and start the second one immediately.
While my focus is popping the heart at about the 150-175 yard mark, I get to the end and walk BRISKLY down 100 yards as the interval to rest.
Hot Tub @ 98.5 degrees for 10 minutes
Eat a some fruits
Drink down a Coconut Water (11 oz) I'm finally getting use to this taste. I at one time, HATED it! Not so bad when I'm hot and it's cold.
I just hollered into the other room where April is working from home..."Hey Sports FAN! Did you know that under my clothes, right now, I am COMPLETELY NAKED???"
I hear an audible "awww jeesh". Guess she was on the phone with a workmate.