The Saturday Morning Crew is a bunch of fitness misfits. A collection of the weeks most gruesome and insane.
I like this group for the simple reason all I need to instruct is when to STOP!
So when it comes to a newer person talking trash and putting of a full set of nuts inside the scrotum you know the smack talk will fly.
Today we had 8 x 40 yard Prowler pushes to do with only 90 pounds. However, the parking lot was wet in spots and if you have never pushed across a wet surface...Prowlers magically grow anchors. When "Big Mike" bellowed that he needed an additional 90 pounds because he was twice the "little guys" size, I readily agreed to his request.
Go get 'em Big Mike and chuck 'em on. He did. Got to the 20 yard mark and the sprint became a jog, then a walk, then a stop.
I was next and made him take the weight off so that I could put my plan into action...(See Prowler Training by yours truly in The Make a Wish book 3)
When it became Big Mikes turn again, I told him to load the additional 90 that he requested. He did, and he died!
Needless to say, the Right of Passage, or what I call the Hurl of Fame was again established.
Inside the Strength and Conditioning World in my corner of it, I am Omnipotent! The Burning Bush Itself!!!
Don't question my a thor a tay! (Cartman voice)
Then we did:
Back Extension: 5x10
GHR: 2x15
Power Skip: 6x10 yards
Sprint I: 6x10 yards
Sprint II: 6x40 yards
Then Hunter and I played catch with the Lacrosse sticks (off hand only)