As most know, we were away for the President's Weekend playing Hockey in Colorado. This was our focus.
I do the "Dryland" training and Pre game psych to the fellas and THAT is a priority along with watching my boy play with his wonderful team mates.
My own personal training takes a back seat to this for a reason.
As I've gotten older, not any ONE training session has made a difference for me. It has always been the collective sum of them.
Remember "It's not about the demonstration of strength as it is about the acquisition of it" that makes the difference in my program.
When ever people ask me what they should do for a workout while on vacation, I snicker and smile and tell them to add another half hour to their morning nap. Then another one for their afternoon nap. Have a second helping of steak or fish. Enjoy themselves! train like a savage most of the time so when you take the time off, ENJOY it!
Yes, April and I went to the hotel gym to ride the stationary bike and to elliptical train for a half hour each once or twice when it was convenient. But had we not, I surely wouldn't FREAK out.
When I've told folks in the past to "listen to your body" the hazard that gets in the way is that we don't know HOW or stay quiet enough to hear it.
Forced "Time Outs" are NOT the end of the world.
Did you know, that it takes about 12 days of absolutely doing NOTHING...(like in a body cast) before the de-conditioning process BEGINS? Yea, you can miss one or two. Don't make a habit of it, but don't lose sleep over it either.
I can STILL tear the ass end off a charging Rhino.
Today's Training:
AirDyne Bike:
10 minutes steady state
10 x 15 second all out sprint w/ 45 second recovery
Concept II Row: 10 minute steady state
10x15 second all out pull with 45 second recovery stroke
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x10
Ab Wheel Roll out: 4x10
"Windmill" abs: 4x10 each side THESE ARE NOT Windshield Wipers
Bike Commute: 20 minutes