Everyone makes a reference to the G.O.A.T. in Powerlifting, THE Ed Coan.
Whether it's simply a photo with the man, something that he has accomplished, or something he has said.
I like to think I really am Ed's friend (we roomed together at a Seminar at EliteFTS once) and I saw him post something that made more sense to me than all the other stuff that is on Social Media. He made a reference to picking up at least THREE plastic things every time you go to the beach. The BEACH is HOME for me. So yea, do like Ed suggests.
I wrote about a friend of mine who not only picks up after her dog, but the she cleans the park from other dogs AND people. So yea, be like my friend Padma too.
So why don't we just go ahead and check our A.O. (Area of Operation) out before leaving any place we dwell...Just pick up THREE things that out of order for that area. Tell people what you did, go ahead it isn't bragging IF you add the "Forward" request for them to do it as well.
Just "what if" we all did this daily?
Imagine the restoration we could initiate?
I am doing my part because I've done my part.
Today's Training:
Bike Commute: 22 minutes
Unilateral Load Farmer Walk:
Actually we used a "Plate Pinch" style to load.
Men=45 lbs
Women=25 lbs
10x100 yards 50 yards in one hand the return 50 yards in the other
10x100 yards
5 minutes steady state
20 seconds HARD/ 40 second recovery x 10
Bike Commute: 18 minutes