From a few weeks ago when I was CURLING 135 for reps, I "dinged" a tendon in my forearm.  Some would argue that I had no business curling that much weight and that's because those folks aren't ME.  I brushed it off as I'm not warmed up enough and continued with the set/rep/weight that I had planned for the day.

Fast forward it to a ton of grip work and some other stuff to make it feel better and when I was on REP 99 of the 100 PULL UPS that I planned, I heard a nice "POP".

Now there was no INTENSE pain, but what pain isn't relative anyway?

I strapped in for one wussy rep and completed the 100

I kept the lifting strap on for the remainder of the workout so as not to aggravate it and low and behold...I DID!

How glorious is that?  I love when my body registers it's discomfort.  I know more about my forearms than I did in the past.  I also can appreciate them much more as well.

Mind you this...I am not even being sarcastic right now.  I am so jacked for the ability to STILL mess things up.

Here's how the rest of today's workout looked:

Pull ups: 100 reps

Dips: 100 reps

Shrugs: 4x10x445  I love using the "Hundo" pound plates

EZ Curl Rack Scrape Curls: 4x8

Wall Braced DB Curls: 4x8

C/S Row: 5x10


Pull up totals=2954

Push Up totals=33531

Dip Totals-4783

Prowler Totals: 14,440 yards