I was talking to my son about the College Bowl Series and what it might be like playing for one of them. Being a GREAT player on a GREAT team would be, by far everyone's logical choice. But when that isn't the option, I told him I'd rather be a GREAT player on a team than to be an average player on a great team.
He asked, "wouldn't you like to win everything all the time?" to which I responded, not at the expense of NOT contributing, being a pine rider.
January 1st and everyone is itching to get to their goals. My goal is to be more spontaneous when it comes to training and doing "stuff".
While we were being entertained by the S.C. Gamecocks (love that name) and the Michigan Wolverines, I turned to my wife and told her that we needed to run for some conditioning and toss the kettlebell for good measure.
She was like..."when?" I was out the door!
Run: 5K
Kettle Bell: just a few times, not really sure.
Stay with me here. This is going to be GREAT!!!
Push Ups: 2
Pull Ups: 1
Dips: 2
Chin ups: 1