Here it is Saturday 12/16/2018 and I'm being a bitch about my running for conditioning.
I'll start back with a plan come the first of the year...(FUCK THAT!) I'm typing this and thinking of the scene from "Apocalypse Now", you know the one where Martin Sheen is in the hotel room and says, "everyday I stay in this room I get weaker, while Charlie is out squatting in the bush and he gets stronger".
So much TRUTH to that!
I made a decision! It takes an instant, but I made it!
I am getting into shape! Not that round isn't a shape, but it's not the one I prefer.
So with my torn quad, I started day ONE:
Slow, but I did it!
10 x 10 yard I can't call them warm ups or sprints, but it was moving...JOG?
10 x 50 yards...again, not even close to a sprint, but I moved my fat ass and ran through the hurt.
I used PAIN to gauge my speed. THAT'S what "listening to your body" means. I ran until it became painful, then backed down a notch!
Now it's time to hydrate and stretch. I have the mobility and flexibility of replacement parts for the Golden Gate Bridge!
Tomorrow will be another attempt at my goal of Immortality. Every day I wake up, I break another PR!