If you are funny you automatically become 79.3% more attractive.

Beauty fades but sarcasm lasts forever.


Memorial Weekend usually has us on the road heading to SoCal for a tournament of some sort or another.  Unfortunately as Hunter and I were hitting our sprints, I looked over at my son and notice he had no sparkle in his eye.  SHOOT!!!

I ask him if he's feeling alright, to which he says "yes".  I know my kid.  He knows the Rule of #67 that he isn't allowed to complain.  He's sucking it up.  But here is our track record for that as well...

Three years ago, he looks horrible.  He wants to play in a hockey game that I agree he should.  He's tough, right?  Yup...he had pneumonia.  (Parental fail #1)

Fast forward a year, I have the flu of the DEATH kind.  I bail on a tournament in Colorado.  Hunter goes with April to play ONE period only.  Gets off the ice and heads to the airport for the next available flight home.  He has MY flu (Parental fail #2)

This weekend will NOT be my third!

He's on the couch right now and I am writing this!!!

Sad yes, but he's not going to get worse because of my poor decision making when it comes to his health.

We STAY home...watch movies (and Stanley Cup Playoff Hockey) and play Fortnight!

Today's Training:

Rep Squat:

3x10 @ 10 lbs more than last weeks rep squat

Then three supersets

Box Squat/Split Squat: 3x15@ bar weight only/ and body weight

Box Squat/ Rear Stepping Lunge: 3x15@ bar weight only and body weight

Box Squat/ GHR (w/ new split pad replacement): 3x15 / Body weight

Air Dyne Bike: 15 minutes