If you are reading this, I hope something magnificent happens to you today.

A friend of mine just stopped by to SEE me.  Why?  I don't have a cell phone so it forces people to do it the old fashion way.

We had lunch and some ice water, out of a real glasses.  (well, not exactly lunch as much as a snack.  hahahahaha)

Today's Training:

Parallel Medium Grip Pull ups: 40 reps

Parallel Narrow Grip Pull ups: 40 reps

(what ever the set/rep break out is, you only get 20 seconds max between sets.)

Keep the concetric portion BALLISTIC.


C/S Plate Pinching Rows: 3x12

Seated DB Hammer Curl: 3x12

Cable Curl: 10x5

Concept II Row: 20 minutes

Bike Commute: 18 mins.

Run: Sprints- 6x100@ 90%

plates home