I write the plan for the day on a white board with as much detail as I think people can handle. I know that it will take some explaining for the verbal folks and that's ok.
I also know I will have to repeatedly show others because they are visual learners, while there ware others that I will physically have to move a person due in part to their tactile needs.
Since this requires the bulk of the time, coaching, I will occasionally fuck with my people and tell them they will have to "start over...from the beginning," and I'll mean it!
The faces they make are classic! What fun!!!
Today's Training
Shoulder Health
AirDyne: 30 mins
Bike Commute: 30 mins
C/S incline Y's: 3x12
C/S incline T's: 3x12
Shoulder Horn External Rotation: 3x12
Pullovers: 3x12
Shrugs: as few sets to 100 reps at 225 for men 135 for women
Bike Commute: 30 mins