I saw a pretty cool shirt today. It read, "If you came with a warning label, what would yours be?"
I have to think about that...I'll get back to you on this one!
Friday's Training:
OHP: Work up to a heavy 6 reps
OHP 2 : 3x10 w/ men 10 lbs more than last week, while women use 5 lbs more
Supinated Lat Pulldown: 3x10
-use a bit lighter weight than last time. Squeeze the bar into the chest while lifting it up into the bar.
-Straight back
-SQUEEZE the bicep at the contraction for a two count
DB Front Raise: 3x10
Bicep/Tricep: 2 sets for the pump of each
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20 @ 35-28-18
Ab Wheel Rollout: 2x18
Knees to elbow: 2x18
AirDyne OR Row: 22 minutes
Sprints: 7x100 @90 ish%