This weighs heavy on my heart!  It's official...I'm not 100% right now. I feel feverish, sluggish, extra uglygsh and more cranky than the week past.

I have the chills and went into my new library and fired up the fireplace even with the sun shining outside AND in the mid 60's (hell when I lived in Ithaca mid 60's would have meant bathing suits or not, and reflective blankets..)

I drifted off to sleep for my second nap of the day only to wake and find a note that April and Hunter left me to sleep in hopes that I'd feel better.

We are messaging each other through social media and she is keeping me up to date with the action at the game.

We're down 4-1 and it doesn't look good at half time.

This is yet another game that we are sans a few key players as well.  NOT AN EXCUSE but my point.

There are times when a sport overlaps with another.  In our house, Hockey and Lacrosse are the two.

Until the championship game is won or we are out of contention, the PRIMARY sport takes precedence.  No excuse!  You are committed to practices and games.

You are excused from those upon a few things in our house outside the primary commitment:

1. You are injured.  But you still attend practice and game and help the coaches with what ever you needs to be done.  Hold clip boards, hand out water bottles, whatever!!!

2. You are DEAD!

We are teaching more than sports here.  We are teaching COMMITMENT!

Do what you say you are going to do, even at the expense of it costing you money, or the time you said you would.

NOT SHOWING UP...well without getting too political, but can you say...BENGHAZI?

How would you feel leaving your team high and dry?  I'm not the player in the instance.  I'm just a parent.  But seriously, the message you have sent is that it's OK to miss things because you "don't feel" like playing or practicing.

Don't get me wrong, if it's a legit outside commitment ELSEWHERE, then your level of awareness is still high for that.

Year round sport?  NO FUCKING WAY!  This will be our last year for Elite Hockey in the spring.

Once the Stanley Cup gets raised, the sticks the pucks the smell goes away until Pre season camp opens up.

The idea that since Johnny's parents have Johnny skating 7 days a week, then we need to have Hunter do it as well because we don't want Hunter to fall Bullshit.

They're KIDS!  Athletic KIDS!!!  Let them be.

Summer camp?  Absolutely.  The ones where they make macrame stuff, go swimming in lakes or oceans.  Get bitten by mosquitoes and eat s'mores.

But for fuck sake...commit to all of THAT as well as you do whatever Professional team you want your kid to play.

Well...I made my point.  I need to get back to the game and need another nap!