I have been following the recommendation of Charles Poliquin's "Meat and Nut Breakfast"

Couple cool things:

1. Not having to cook eggs every morning, I get to sleep an extra 15 minutes.  Handy!


2. I will eat a handful of meat, chicken or fish from the previous night's dinner AND a handful of almonds (since that's the bag I opened first) therefor I don't need to THINK about what I'm going to have.


3. I stay satiated until I get home around noon with only  a few pieces of fruit (Clean Carb) that are hand picked and organically grown in season.


4. I have natural energy sans caffeine AND I have stayed focused without a crash.


5. I seem to be dropping some unnecessary adipose.  I'll keep a record and see how that goes.


Not bad.  You can go to his article under the same name and read about WHY, but I am giving you the Selkow Approval that it works.


Today's Training:

Suspended Bench Press:  Top 1/4 of the movement.  Work up to a HEAVY single beating last weeks number.

Reduce the weight 20% and do Three sets of 5 reps.


Incline Isometric Bench:

Spotting bars set at chest height, push into another set of spotting rails that are set 1/2 up through the press.  THEN...CRANK as hard as you can for a three count.  Then lower it back to the beginning rails soundless.

Over Head Press: 5x5



Since the rain stopped, I get to ride my bike again.  PLUS +++  I've been running a 5K daily.  Mostly to get my dog out and about, but I feel pretty dangerous after I'm finished.