I said weeks ago that we are in the midst of a paradigm shift. Everything as we know it will change and it won't return to "the days of old".
Sometimes change is good. Often we revert back to "Who Moved my Cheese". In either case, it's like death and taxes...it's inevitable.
You either embrace the change or get run over by it.
We are sitting in the second and for some third weeks of quarantine. There are thoughts about this on both sides. The science says, stay put motherfuckers, YOU are part of the cause it is spreading when you come in contact with others. Avoid contact, shut the disease down. Resume life.
It won't be like that!
The other side worries that the collateral damage of the isolation, the loss of business, relationships, and life will far outweigh staying put.
I'm pretty sure that I am for the first time on BOTH sides of the fence. (can you be that way? hmmmmm)
What if you see both sides equally? Is there a solution?
I wrote about being bored and not lazy is the birth of creativity. Do I need more boredom and less laze? hahaha...(that's funny if you give it a chance)
Here's what I do know works for me at the moment:
I get up early as usual
I ride a stationary bike or run in an empty park to gather my thoughts for the day
I workout with what assets I have available the best I can
I interact with my family that are lockdown with me. I home school my son, and annoy my wife while she works from home.
I will add more time to social media to NOT engage in the banter that ensues, but mostly to annoy as many people as I can with bad jokes, happy thoughts, and general mirth.
I go outside and work on my garden and yard.
I do projects that I have neglected for YEARS indoors
Here's the change, kids....
I shower! (I like Duke Cannon Big ass bricks of soap)
I dress for dinner!!!
Let me repeat that...I show my family respect by dressing for dinner. I don't put on a tie or anything like shoes...but I don't wear the same ratty crap that I had on all day. It makes me feel better and I treat my family like they deserved to be treated. Respectfully and dignified.
I cook! I'm a great cook! How do I know? There are hardly any leftovers. I COOK!
I do NOT clean up. I wreck the kitchen. It looks like downtown Beruit when I'm finished cooking and I want nothing to do with cleaning that carnage up.
We will then watch a little TV or read to learn something new.
Bed comes early and I'm tired.
What I'm driving at here is to USE your time to do things you want, and should do. If all you do is complain about the situation that is going on, you are seriously missing the opportunity that might be right in front of your eyes.
I seriously have researched how I can:
Cure Cancer
Bushido...The ancient art of the Samurai Warrior
Play the piano (I don't have one, yet)
Speak another language beyond my own five that I'm already fluent in
Learn the algorithms of Chess
The zen of bicycle repair and other Madlibs.
My serious suggestion...Do SOMETHING!
I'll look into this virus thing a little deeper after my nap.