I'm off the GRID for 10 days.  (Although I left in my head yesterday)

Vacation Time...Vios Con Dios


Today's Training:

Bike Commute: 20 minutes

Box Squat: Set up just like last week, but instead of doing 6 reps, bring it down to 4 reps and BEAT last week's weight by 5,10, or 15 lbs.  Don't take it to an eye ball bursting effort, but at least a 7-8 PRE

Forward Stepping Lunge: 40 reps on each leg

Wide Mag Bar Pulldown: 40 reps @150

GHR: 40 reps

Parallel Grip C/S Row: 40 reps@45

Cable Step Up onto a 12 inch box: 40 reps each foot @25 lbs  SQUEEZE the glute hard at the top

Suspended Knees to Elbows: 40 reps

Bike Commute: 20 minutes