I was surprised by a visit from one of my collegiate athletes that came home for the weekend.

This chick ALWAYS brings a smile to my face, and when she enters any  room, she lights it up with her own bright smile and endless giggles.

She has evolved into quite a women to say the least.  Strong in her body as well as her convictions.  She's bright and articulate and we communicate at the same level. (Imagine THAT?  Someone who understands my warped mind and sense of humor???)

We got on the discussion of "Getting Stronger"  When I reminded her to simply work on the weakness.

All of a sudden I saw her have an "ah-ha" moment.  There was a light that went off far away from the physical that we were discussing.

I continued to tell her that we must first let go of our ego, and IDENTIFY the weakness.  We tend to HIDE our weakness and put them into closets with other things that we are trying to keep out of view.  But without acknowledging and understanding of those things kept in there we have no chance at putting together a "game plan" to alleviate them.

Her twinkle that she carried into the conversation ignited!  I could see her wheels turning.

I also know that she is quite an independent person and likes things done "HER" way.  But sometimes, I told her, we need another pair of eyes that see things from another angle.

When I saw her begin that infectious grin, I knew that SHE knew that she has a tremendous support system that she has readily available for her to access at anyTIME!

I like to keep EVERYTHING basic.  Too much of anything can and will "pollute" a person.

Although it's only a weekend visit, my gal knows that she is in my heart ALWAYS, and if ever needed like ALL of my former athletes, I am and always will be...

Right Here!


Today's Training:

AirDyne: 20 minutes

Dynamic OHP: 12x3 @ 50% of max +5 extra pounds

OHP II: 3x10@+5 lbs over last week

Wide Mag Bar Lat PullDown: 3x10+10 pounds

Cable Face Pulls: 3x10@90

Shrugs: 3x10@315

Biceps: Run the rack

Triceps: Close neutral grip DB Press: Run the rack

Bike Commute: 20 minutes