Back bone> Wishbone
Put the work in even when you don't FEEL motivated, because you ARE disciplined.
Today's Training:
Run: 5K Extremely hard today. Got in late last night and slept for a solid four hours. I was thinking I might sleep in and skip this, but then again, I could go to Isle 5 of any Walgreen or Rite Aid and purchase some feminine hygiene products.
Tier I
Pin Pulls off the #2: 10x1x275
Reverse Hyper: 3x12x180
GHR: 3x12
Dead Lift again off the same pin: 10x1x275
Wood Chops: 3x12x25
Bike Commute: 18 minutes. I am getting closer and closer to nailing a pedestrian at the rail station that ungulates when they walk because they don't look up from their "devices". I do warn them to "look up"! The surprise on their little faces is so precious. I don't WANT to hit one...but if I have to....
Sprints: 10x40 yards....SLOW! Stretch these out and run relaxed.
Tier II
Low Box Squat: 5x10x65
Split Squat: 5x10x45
Squat (again): 5x10x65
Rear Stepping Lunge: 5x10 each leg x 45
12" Box Jump: 5x10
Sprint: 10x40x 50% EASY